Monday, June 15, 2015

How to find art events in Bangkok

This city might be known for it's street food stalls, night life and shopping malls, but it also has a vibrant art scene. As you may have seen here I am trying to explore this scene right now, focussing on Thai artists with some exceptions. What comes quite handy for this tour through galleries is the Bangkok Art Map.
It not only lists most of the galleries and art spaces, but also gives you an overview about upcoming art events likes vernisages and performances. It is released monthly and you can get it for free in many coffeeshops and art places liker galleries (BACC for examples has it at the reception desk).

It is published by Mason Florence with Steven Pettifor as Editor-in-Chief and part of the Talisman Media Group. You can find the map and activities only at

Also recommended is a small booklet published by the Organise per l'Ambassade de France en Thailande, aka the French Embassy. They organize La Fete, a cultural Festival in June, with dance performances, exhibitions and even a hip hop battle. More at 

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